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Dynamic Content Item Placeholder in use
Scott Dixon avatar
Written by Scott Dixon
Updated over 2 months ago

Cannot do this change since this dynamic content item name is already in use


The dynamic content item placeholder '{{dc.srd_-_greeting}}' is already used by the following elements: zendesk.dynamic_content_item.instance.srd___greetings@sbs. Please change the placeholder of the dynamic content item and try again

What triggers this error?

This pre-deploy error is triggered when the deployment plan includes a dynamic content item that has a placeholder that is already being used in the target environment. Dynamic content item placeholders must be unique across an environment.

How can I solve this?

Search for the placeholder in the target environment using the content search in Salto to find how and where the placeholder is currently being used in the target environment.

If the placeholder is being used in an existing Dynamic Content Item, check the name and the Salto ID of the element. If the name and/or Salto ID differs from the element in the source environment, the elements are misaligned. Rename the Dynamic Content Item (in either the source or target environment depending on your preference) and regenerate the Salto IDs when running a fetch in that environment to realign the IDs.

If the content search is empty and you are not able to find where the placeholder is being used in the target environment, check the configuration issues in the environment to confirm if there is a Salto ID collision preventing Salto from fetching the dynamic content item.

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