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Error when deploying a screen with duplicate fields
Error when deploying a screen with duplicate fields
Scott Dixon avatar
Written by Scott Dixon
Updated over 4 months ago

Can’t deploy screen which uses fields more than once


This screen uses the following field more than once: jira.Field.instance.Summary__string. Make sure each field is used only once, and try again.

What triggers this error?

This pre-deploy error is triggered when the deployment plan includes a Screen that references a field more than once.

How can I solve this?

You must remove any duplicate fields in a Screen in order to deploy the Screen to the target environment. You can resolve this issue by remove the duplicate fields in the Jira UI or editing the Screen's nacl file during the deployment process.

To remove the duplicate field in the Jira UI:

  1. Navigate to the Screen in the source environment.

  2. Edit the Screen to remove the duplicate field.

  3. Save your changes in Jira and run another fetch in Salto for the source environment to pull in your changes. You may have to go back to the element selection screen, then preview your deployment again, in order for these changes to appear.

To remove the duplicate field by editing the Screen's nacl file during deployment:

  1. Navigate to the Screen in the deployment preview and click on the "edit" button to pull up the text editor.

  2. Note the field that is referenced in the error message and locate the duplicate(s) in the nacl file.

  3. Delete the duplicate(s) and click Apply & Preview Deployment to continue the deployment.

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