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Netsuite changed at/by support
Lior Neudorfer avatar
Written by Lior Neudorfer
Updated over a year ago

Salto supports fetching elements' "changed by" and "changed at" information in NetSuite.

Note that Salto will only fetch NetSuite last-change-author and last-change-time information for changes made after an environment's first fetch.

The following types will contain this information:

- account
- accountingPeriod
- assemblyItem
- bin
- bundleinstallationscript
- classification
- clientscript
- crmcustomfield
- currency
- customer
- customlist
- customrecordtype
- customsegment
- department
- descriptionItem
- discountItem
- downloadItem
- employee
- entitycustomfield
- entryForm
- giftCertificateItem
- inventoryItem
- itemcustomfield
- itemGroup
- itemnumbercustomfield
- itemoptioncustomfield
- job
- kitItem
- location
- lotNumberedAssemblyItem
- lotNumberedInventoryItem
- manufacturingCostTemplate
- mapreducescript
- markupItem
- massupdatescript
- nexus
- nonInventoryPurchaseItem
- nonInventoryResaleItem
- nonInventorySaleItem
- otherChargePurchaseItem
- otherChargeResaleItem
- otherChargeSaleItem
- othercustomfield
- partner
- paymentItem
- portlet
- restlet
- role
- scheduledscript
- sdfinstallationscript
- serializedAssemblyItem
- serializedInventoryItem
- servicePurchaseItem
- serviceResaleItem
- serviceSaleItem
- solution
- subsidiary
- subtotalItem
- suitelet
- transactionbodycustomfield
- transactioncolumncustomfield
- usereventscript
- workflow
- workflowactionscript

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