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Netsuite changed at/by support
Lior Neudorfer avatar
Written by Lior Neudorfer
Updated over 11 months ago

Salto supports fetching elements' "changed by" and "changed at" information in NetSuite.

Note that Salto will only fetch NetSuite last-change-author and last-change-time information for changes made after an environment's first fetch.

The following types will contain this information:

- account
- accountingPeriod
- assemblyItem
- bin
- bundleinstallationscript
- classification
- clientscript
- crmcustomfield
- currency
- customer
- customlist
- customrecordtype
- customsegment
- department
- descriptionItem
- discountItem
- downloadItem
- employee
- entitycustomfield
- entryForm
- giftCertificateItem
- inventoryItem
- itemcustomfield
- itemGroup
- itemnumbercustomfield
- itemoptioncustomfield
- job
- kitItem
- location
- lotNumberedAssemblyItem
- lotNumberedInventoryItem
- manufacturingCostTemplate
- mapreducescript
- markupItem
- massupdatescript
- nexus
- nonInventoryPurchaseItem
- nonInventoryResaleItem
- nonInventorySaleItem
- otherChargePurchaseItem
- otherChargeResaleItem
- otherChargeSaleItem
- othercustomfield
- partner
- paymentItem
- portlet
- restlet
- role
- scheduledscript
- sdfinstallationscript
- serializedAssemblyItem
- serializedInventoryItem
- servicePurchaseItem
- serviceResaleItem
- serviceSaleItem
- solution
- subsidiary
- subtotalItem
- suitelet
- transactionbodycustomfield
- transactioncolumncustomfield
- usereventscript
- workflow
- workflowactionscript

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