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Zendesk changed at/changed by support
Lior Neudorfer avatar
Written by Lior Neudorfer
Updated over a week ago

Salto supports fetching elements' last-change-author and last-change-time in Zendesk. To enable this, add the includeAuditDetails flag to your adapter configuration file fetch section:

zendesk {
fetch = {
includeAuditDetails = true

Once this flag is activated, the last-change-author information will be added after the second fetch (for changes that happened after the last fetch).

The following Zendesk types have last-change-author and last-change-time:

  • Automation

  • App Installation

  • App Owned

  • Article Translation

  • Brand

  • Business Hour Schedules

  • Business Hour Schedule Holidays

  • Category Translation

  • Custom Objects

  • Custom Roles

  • Groups

  • Locale

  • Macro

  • Organization Field

  • Section Translation

  • Trigger

The following Zendesk types will show last-change-author and last-change-time after creation, and only last-change-time once they're updated:

  • Custom Statuses

  • SLA Policy

  • Support Address

  • Ticket Field

  • Ticket Form

  • User Field

  • View

The following Zendesk types only display the last-change-time, as Zendesk does not supply the last-change-author information for them:

  • All Guide except for translations

  • All Guide elements (except for translations)

  • Dynamic Content Item Variants

  • Dynamic Content Item

  • OAuth Client

  • Organization Field Custom Field Option

  • Routing Attribute

  • Routing Attribute Value

  • Trigger_category

  • Ticket Field Custom Field Option

  • User Field Custom Field Option

  • Workspace

The following Zendesk types don't have last-change-author and last-change-time, as Zendesk does not supply this information for them:

  • All Salto created types

  • Account Setting

  • Brand Logo

  • Channel

  • Guide Settings

  • Guide Language Settings

  • Macro Attachment

  • Macro Categories

  • Target

  • Tag

  • Webhook

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