By utilizing AI and Large Language Models, Salto can provide simple explanations to complex configuration elements. Administrators can use this to quickly understand older configurations, configurations written a while ago, or highly-complex configurations.
This ability works best for complex configuration elements, such as:
Salesforce Flows & Validation Rules
Netsuite Workflows & Saved Searches
Jira Automations & Filters
Zendesk Automations, Triggers and Macros
Okta Group Rules
To explain an element, simply go to an environment "Explore" screen, select an element, then click the Explain button:
After a short wait, Salto will return an AI-generated explanation of that element's details.
If the explanation isn't accurate or lacking details, please use the integrated feedback buttons to let us know what went wrong (or right!).
AI Provider and Privacy
Salto uses the OpenAI provider (one of Salto's subprocessors) to generate these explanations. It uses the OpenAI API, which does not use the processed data to train AI models.