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"Where is this used" for fields in reports and dashboards
"Where is this used" for fields in reports and dashboards
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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

You may be familiar with how to find where standard and custom fields are being used using Salto; however, this process does not cover reports and dashboards.

In this article, we'll show you how to find where standard and custom fields are used in reports and dashboards.

Include reports and dashboards in your environment

By default, reports and dashboards are excluded from your Salto environment. To include them, first, go to Settings > Salesforce > Edit Configuration File

Once here, you'll see the list of metadata types that are excluded from your environment are in the exclude list.

You can see that Report, ReportFolder, Dashboard and DashboardFolder are all excluded.

So to include them in your environment, you just need to delete these nodes from the exclude list. You should end up with something like this:

Once you've excluded them, make sure to fetch your Salesforce org by using the Fetch dropdown on the top right.

Once the fetch completes, you'll see reports and dashboards are now available in your environment.

Search the field name in the Content tab

The next step is to search for field names using the Content tab in the Explore tree.

Let's say I want to see where the field Account.CustomerPriority__c is being used in reports.

First, make sure to only search for the field name without including the object name, so in this case, I will search for CustomerPriority and not Account.CustomerPriority__c .

Then, I will click on Content.

Finally, I can see the results under the Report node

In the example above, I can see the field is being used in multiple reports.

The same process applies to any other standard and custom field.

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