When comparing two Salesforce environments as part of a deployment, you may get a message indicating that there were too many differences between the two environments. Salto supports showing up to 40,000 elements which differ between the environments.
When this happens, Salto will only show the first 40,000 differences, while other elements (exceeding the maximum allowed number) will not appear in the comparison.
This may prevent you from continuing with the deployment, as the desired elements for deploying may not show up in the comparison and will not be selectable.
Possible causes and solutions
There are multiple possible reasons for a large amount of differences between 2 environments:
If you're comparing an environment against its Sandbox, you may need to refresh the Sandbox with the latest configuration from the Production environment.
Difference in the environment configuration - for example, the source environment may be configured to exclude specific items when fetching, but the target environment includes them. You can compare the configuration files and identify differences by using any online text comparison tool, such as Diffchecker. To fix this problem, make sure your environment configurations are similar, and that no major group of elements are included in one but excluded in the other.
You may have different installed packages between environments. To resolve this, install or remove the packages in the relevant orgs to get to an identical state.
There may be real differences in element order, inside elements which contain lists.
Some feature may be enabled in one environment, but not in the other. To fix this, make sure both environments have a similar set of enabled features, or exclude feature-specific elements in your environment configuration (see #1 above to understand how).
In Salesforce CPQ, you may have some mismatch in the element ID mapping. Read more about Salesforce CPQ to see possible solutions for this issue.
If these don't help, you may want to simply reduce the number of elements that Salto manages. Change your fetch configuration to exclude elements until you're able to make the comparison you need.
You can have multiple environments, each with its own configuration, to help you manage, compare and deploy different types of elements.